The magic of Aerial Hoop

strength - agility - grace

Aerial hoop, also known as "Lyra", "Circeaux" or "Aerial Ring" is a form of exercise that only recently emerged. It has roots in the circus and the world of acrobatics and is related to both pole dance and aerial silk. It is an enlarged hula hoop ring of steel suspended from the ceiling, in which hoop artists can exercise trapeze skills like spins, drops, tricks, held poses and postures. In aerial hoop, you conduct the exercises in fast motions and you often practice rather long combinations. Tricks that can be performed include the Candlestick, Bird's Nest and Crescent Moon. Aerial hoops come in various sizes and variants and can either have single tab or double tab configurations for hanging. They can also be on a static, swinging or spinning setting. Start your journey and learn how to fly